IEEE Slovenija

ERK 2020
21. - 22. September 2020
Hotel Bernardin, Portorož

Call for papers: 29th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2020

The ERK 2020 conference will be held on September 21-22, 2020 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian.

Conference topics:

EL - ElectronicsMT - Measurement
TC - TelecommunicationsAE - Acoustics and Electroacoustics
MM - MultimediaCS - Computer Science
AR - Automatic Control and RoboticsPR - Pattern Recognition
SM - Modeling and SimulationBM - Biomedical Engineering
ME - Power EngineeringDI - Didactics

Vabilo na devetindvajseto mednarodno Elektrotehniško in računalniško konferenco ERK 2020

Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2020 bo potekala v kongresnem centru Bernardin v Portorožu. Konferenco organizira Slovenska sekcija IEEE v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani in drugimi strokovnimi društvi. Članek naj obsega 4 strani in je napisan v slovenščini ali angleščini, vendar od avtorjem pričakujemo, da bodo v istem jeziku članek predstavili tudi na konferenci.

Študente SB Ljubljana in SB Maribor vabimo na tekmovanje študentskih prispevkov 2020 Slovenske sekcije IEEE.

Področja konference:

  • elektronika (EL),
  • telekomunikacije (TC),
  • multimedija (MM),
  • avtomatika in robotika (AR),
  • simulacije in modeliranje (SM),
  • močnostna elektrotehnika (ME),
  • merilna tehnika (MT),
  • akustika in elektroakustika (AE),
  • računalništvo in informatika (CS),
  • razpoznavanje vzorcev (PR),
  • biomedicinska tehnika (BM) in
  • didaktika (DI).

Urnik / Schedule

Program (PDF): program20.pdf

Zbornik / Proceedings: program.php

za dostop do prispevkov vnesite geslo: Erk29 / to access papers enter password: Erk29

Dogodki / Events

Ponedeljek / Monday 21.9.2020

  • 12h - Študentsko tekmovanje / Student Competition
    • 1. mesto: Eva Boneš, FRI, ULj
    • 2. mesto: Vid Keršič, FERI, UMb
    • 3. mesto: Domen Kavran, FERI, UMb
  • 17h30 - Otvoritev in vabljeno predavanje / Opening and Invited Lecture (video prenos/video stream)

    Jure Leskovec

    Stanford University, USA

    Modeling the spread of Coronavirus with mobility networks:
    Explaining infection rates and informing reopening strategies

    Abstract. Developing computational models of how viruses spread among a population of people is extremely challenging. In this talk I will demonstrate how fine-grained epidemiological modeling of the spread of Coronavirus -- capturing who is infected at which locations -- can aid the development of policy responses that account for heterogeneous risks of different locations as well as the disparities in infections among different demographic groups. We use US cell phone data to capture the hourly movements of millions of people and model the spread of Coronavirus from March 1 - May 2, 2020 among a population of 98 million people in 10 of the largest US metropolitan areas. We show that even a relatively simple epidemiological model can accurately capture the case trajectory despite dramatic changes in population behavior due to the virus. We also estimate the impacts of fine-grained reopening plans: we predict that a small minority of "superspreader" location account for a large majority of infections, and that reopening some locations (like restaurants) pose especially large risks. We also explain why infection rates among disadvantaged racial and socioeconomic groups are higher. Overall, our model supports fine-grained analyses that can inform more effective and equitable policy responses to the Coronavirus.
    Reference: Mobility network modeling explains higher SARS-CoV-2 infection rates among disadvantaged groups and informs reopening strategies.

    Jure Leskovec is an associate professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, the Chief Scientist at Pinterest, and an Investigator at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. He was the co-founder of a machine learning startup Kosei, which was later acquired by Pinterest. Leskovec's research area is machine learning and data science for complex, richly-labeled relational structures, graphs, and networks for systems at all scales, from interactions of proteins in a cell to interactions between humans in a society. Applications include commonsense reasoning, recommender systems, social network analysis, computational social science, and computational biology with an emphasis on drug discovery. This research has won several awards including a Lagrange Prize, Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship, the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and numerous best paper and test of time awards. It has also been featured in popular press outlets such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Leskovec received his bachelor's degree in computer science from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, PhD in machine learning from Carnegie Mellon University and postdoctoral training at Cornell University. You can follow him on Twitter at @jure.

  • 18h15 - Zdravica ob otvoritvi / Opening ceremony toast
  • 19h - Konferenčna večerja / Conference Dinner (GH Bernardin)

Torek / Tuesday 22.9.2020

  • 9h - International Conference on Machine Intelligence, ICMI 2020
    • Welcome messages from Kyutech (Prof. Kamiya/vice president) and UL FE
    • Keynote talk 1: Prof. Kamiya, Kyutech: "A CAD technique for rheumatoid arthritis on CR images"
    • Keynote talk 2: Doc. Dr. Meža, UL FE: "Automatic learner's attention estimation"
    • Keynote talk 3: Prof. Kristan, UL FRI: "Single-object visual tracking -- past, present & future"
    • Oral presentation: Bovcon: "Deep-learning-based obstacle detection for robotic boats"
    • Oral presentation: Prof. Guangwei Gao, "Advanced Representation Learning for Face Image Analysis"
    • Oral presentation: Shuo Yang: "Vehicle logo detection based on deep learning"
    • Oral presentation: Jiaqi Wu: "A Supervoxel Classification Based Method for Multi-organ Segmentation from Abdominal CT"
    • Panel discussion
  • 12h30 - Kosilo / Lunch (Taverna Mediteran)


Author info

  • Extended paper submission deadline: 20. July 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: 21. August 2020
  • Camera-ready: 4. September 2020

A note on COVID-19 Coronavirus

The priority of ERK 2020 Conference Organizing Committee is safety of all conference participants. According to the current situation, ERK 2020 is scheduled to be held as planned on September 21-22. The papers that will be accepted by the review process will be published on the conference site.

We monitor travel advisories related to the COVID-19 and we will promptly update the eventual changes on ERK 2020 website. Hope to see you all in September!

Informacije za avtorje

  • Podaljšan rok za oddajo članka: 20. julij 2020
  • Obvestilo o izboru: 21. avgust 2020
  • Oddaja za tisk: 4. september 2020

Program konference bomo objavili konec avgusta.

Obvestilo glede COVID-19

Organizatorji si prizadevamo za varno izvedbo konferene ERK 2020. Pridobili smo pozitivni mnenji NIJZ in MNZ (Direktorat za policijo in druge varnostne naloge). Konferenco bomo izvedli v skladu z ukrepi in priporočili. Vsi sprejeti prispevki bodo objavljeni v spletnem zborniku. Avtorje bomo sproti obveščali o morebitnih spremembah izvedbe konference.