The ERK 2021 conference will be held on September 20-21, 2021 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian.
VP - Invited Lectures | CS - Computer Science |
EL - Electronics | PR - Pattern Recognition |
TC - Telecommunications | BM - Biomedical Engineering |
AR - Automatic Control and Robotics | MM - Multimedia |
SM - Modeling and Simulation | DI - Didactics |
ME - Power Engineering | ST - Student Papers |
MT - Measurement | AE - Acoustics and Electroacoustics |
Letos v prav posebnih razmerah poteka že 30. Mednarodna elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2021, 20. in 21. septembra 2021, v hotelu Bernardin, v Portorožu v Sloveniji. Konferenca je postala tradicionalno srečanje strokovnjakov, ne le na elektrotehniškem in računalniškem področju, temveč tudi na drugih področjih, kjer sta vključena elektrotehnika in računalništvo.
Letošnje leto je jubilejno tudi zaradi praznovanja 50-letnice Slovenske sekcije IEEE. Pozdravili nas bodo častni gostje iz Regije 8 in sosednjih držav. Poleg vseh dosedanjih konferenčnih aktivnosti, potekajo letos prvič v sodelovanju z Laboratorijem za robotiko Fakultete za elektrotehniko tudi zagovori devetih magistrskih del. Zaradi epidemioloških razmer bomo konferenco ERK tudi letos izvedli po hibridnem modelu z uporabo sodobnih multimedijskih in telekomunikacijskih tehnologij.
Konferenca ERK je pogosto prvi forum, kjer mladi avtorji predstavijo rezultate svojega dela širšemu krogu. Mnogi svetovno uveljavljeni slovenski raziskovalci so imeli svoje prve nastope prav na tej konferenci. Na konferenci poteka vsako leto tudi študentsko tekmovanje Slovenske sekcije IEEE. Najboljša študentska prispevka z Univerze v Mariboru in Univerze v Ljubljani se uvrstita na nadaljnje regijsko tekmovanje IEEE R8, ki pokriva celotno področje Evrope, večji del Azije in Afrike. Na dosedanjih regijskih tekmovanjih so slovenski študentje že petkrat osvojili prvo mesto.
za dostop do prispevkov vnesite geslo: ERK30 / to access papers enter password: ERK30
Ponedeljek / Monday 20.9.2021
Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract. After more than one hundred years of the dominance of the cumbustion engine, the current decade focuses on development of completely new platforms, based on electric propulsion. Electric motors are already a part of every newly sold vehicle today – start-stop behavior, mild hybrids, plug-in hybrids and other forms of EVs (battery or otherwise powered). The lecture will discuss the implications of a mindset change from the way vehicles have been built for the last 100 years towards the possibilities (benefits and drawbacks) of how they can be built today – with mission and user focused design. The lecture will focus on the most advanced powertrain architecture, which is a close as it gets to a fully software-defined powertrain – the distributed drive using 1 electric motor per wheel.
Laboratory of Biocybernetics, FE UL, Slovenia
Abstract. Application of pulsed electric field can reversibly increase the permeability of the cell membrane allowing access of DNA molecules to the inside of the cell - a process known as gene electrotransfer. While gene electrotransfer shows potential in treatment of cancer and vaccination against infectious diseases, low levels of transgene expressions following gene electrotransfer prevent its widespread clinical adoption. The low efficiency can largely be attributed to lack of fundamental understanding of how DNA molecules traverse macroscopic to nanoscopic length-scales to overcome the interstitial and cell membrane barriers in the presence of an electric field. In this talk, I will explain how electrokinetics and electrostatics modulate the transport of DNA molecules over these diverse length-scales. Further, I will show how experiments that can be directly compared to theoretical models of DNA transport can greatly augment our understanding of the gene electrotransfer process. Such a mechanistic understanding will hopefully allow us to effectively overcome the interstitial and cell membrane barriers and improve the therapeutic efficiency of gene electrotransfer. Understanding the transport of DNA within electrokinetic and electrostatic frameworks also provides the basis for developing optimized protocols of gene electrotransfer within complex tissue environments that can be readily transferred across tissue types and species; a benefit not provided by the current trial-and-error based research for improvement of protocols.
Torek / Tuesday 21.9.2021
A note on COVID-19 Coronavirus
The priority of ERK 2021 Conference Organizing Committee is safety of all conference participants. EU Digital COVID Certificate is mandatory to attend the conference. Authors, who could not attend the conference, will be able to present their work remotely. All accepted papers will be published on the conference site.
Obvestilo glede COVID-19
Organizatorji si prizadevamo za varno izvedbo konferene ERK 2021. Udeležba na konferenci bo možna le z veljavnim potrdilom PCT. Avtorjem, ki se konference ne bodo mogli udeležiti, bomo omogočili predstavitev del na daljavo. Vsi sprejeti prispevki bodo objavljeni v spletnem zborniku.